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04 Apr

By Admin

Migraines are severe headaches accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light, with throbbing pain. According to Ayurveda, they arise from imbalanced doshas, mainly Pitta and Vata. The Pitta dosha is the dosha that regulates heat and inflammation in the body, while the Vata dosha controls movement and circulation. Ayurvedic therapy seeks correction of it by a combination of natural remedies, diet, and changes in lifestyle.

Figuring out Ayurveda
Ayurveda, and that signifies “study of life,” is a thorough arrangement of medication that spotlights on accomplishing equilibrium and congruity inside the body, psyche, and soul. It sees wellbeing as a condition of ideal equilibrium and sickness as a lopsidedness or interruption of this congruity. Ayurveda looks to reestablish harmony through customized medicines and way of life alterations.

Ayurvedic Conclusion of Headaches
In Ayurveda, diagnosing headaches includes looking at different factors like the singular’s constitution (Prakriti), current lopsided characteristics (Vikriti), way of life, and profound prosperity. A talented Ayurvedic professional will evaluate these variables to decide the basic reasons for Headache migraine and foster a customized treatment plan.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches
Ayurvedic Treatment for Headaches centers around tending to the underlying drivers as opposed to simply reducing side effects. It includes a blend of natural cures, way of life alterations, dietary changes, and remedial mediations to reestablish harmony and forestall future headache episodes.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine Relief

Diet again is highly important to control migraines. Ayurveda suggests cooling and soothing foods to calm down Pitta and Vata. Many fresh fruits such as cucumber and melon, vegetables, whole grains, and plentiful water are taken. Triggers like spicy or acidifying foods, caffeine, and alcohol are avoided because they may provoke a migraine attack.

Herbal remedies abound too-including Brahmi to calm the mind and reduce stress; Ashwagandha to help balance response in the body; and Shankhapushpi, which will cool the body inside just as it does outside. Ginger helps with nausea and digestive discomfort suffered during migraines.

Ayurvedic therapies such as Shirodhara, pouring warm herbal oils over the forehead and Nasya, applying medicated oils to the nostrils, can be a great source of relief for a disturbed nervous system when one is suffering through a bout of migraines. Daily oil massage or Abhyanga keeps the doshas in balance and helps calm the mind.

Lifestyle modification is the need of the hour. Regular sleep pattern, yoga, and pranayama will surely ward off the migraine attacks. Management of stress by the practice of mindfulness can also prevent the occurrence of flare-ups.

Detoxification through Panchakarma can sometimes help eliminate toxins in the body and balance it again.


Ayurveda deals with the root cause of body imbalance and treats migraines through a holistic approach. It gives a natural way to treat migraine through diet, herbs, therapies, or lifestyle changes to alleviate and control migraines over time.

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